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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Neobux User

Dear PTC User,
Neobux is one of the internet's most innovative and lucrative money making PTC's. With over 19,000,000 members, this proves without a doubt that they are a legitimate company. In the 4 years that they have been online, they have paid over $75 million to their members. That is good news right?
If they paid out over 75 million in cashouts to 19 million+ members, that means the average Neobux user makes $4.20. That doesn't add up if you ask me. But wait, aren't lots of people making ultra profits from Neobux? Sure, you hear success stories and see payment proofs of those users who are making it big.

But what about most other users - people like you and me?
The ugly truth of the matter is, most people who join PTC's, also known as "pay to click" sites, barely make any money, and those who've invested money come out at a loss. Many of those who try PTC's do so with the right intentions...they work hard patiently, hoping to eventually make profit. But after months of hard work, they are not seeing results, become frustrated, and ultimately give up.

And it's not their fault.

I have seen so many good people quit these programs out of sheer frustration that it saddens me...yet that is the reality of the system.
One very important part of success is direct referrals. But they are not that easy to get... you have to promote, promote, promote. And after all that work, you still didn't get any referrals.
Does getting referrals feel like this?

So why do most people fail in PTC's?

The answer is simple: they do not have a working strategy. They joined Neobux with unrealistic expectations, hoping to make it rich quick. But when they realize that it is not making money fast, they start to become frustrated and lose hope. If this is you right now, then you are at the right place - keep reading and don't miss a word.
You've probably tried to find the answer on some blog or random website - and you searched frantically, hoping to find that one answer that will solve all your problems. After reading some strategies, you tried different ways to recycle referrals, renew referrals, and renting referrals. But none of them seem to produce the results you wanted.
My name is Benjamin, and I have been using PTC's for over 3 years now. I understand your frustration - because I've been there. I know what it's like to work extremely hard at PTC's and not get the results. I'd click everyday diligently, rent referrals and try to do the "math" ... but when I stare at my account balance, I wonder if the work I do is worth it.
I began to ask myself, what was I doing wrong? What was I doing differently than others who were successful? I began searching for the answer...and I found bits and pieces of information that helped, but never a complete solution. So I continued to search frantically. And what I discovered shocked me.


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