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Friday, 3 August 2012


SERVER TIME (How to clicking advertisements according to server time)

TOS 3.7
The clicks you earn from referrals are directly related to the clicks you make. If you click at least 4 advertisements being a Standard / Pioneer member or you click at least 9 advertisements being a Golden member, you'll receive all clicks made from your referrals. If you click below that, the maximum you will receive is only the amount of clicks you've made multiplied by the number of 

referrals you have. The referral clicks will be calculated based on the clicks you made on the previous day. These calculations are based on the server time which can be seen in the "View Advertisements" page. The only advertisements that will count are: Extended Exposure, Standard Exposure, and Orange Fixed Advertisements.

This means if you click all the orange color fixed ads you'll receive all clicks made from your referrals.

If you click below that, the maximum you will receive is only the amount of clicks you've made multiplied by the number of referrals you have.

What is the server time?

The server is located in Eastern Time (US&Canada)

To figure out how to click according to server time you need to figure out the time difference between
your local time and the current server time.

For example, I am located at pacific time whichis (3 hours behind) or 21 hours ahead of eastern time.

 The following info. are needed to figure out the time difference:

1. your advertisement clicks reset time (this is shown as your local time)
2. your local time
3. current server time

and the formula is (need to use the 24 hr time format):

(local time) - (current server time) = (time difference) but if the answer is negative you need to add 24 to it.

Example 1:

1. ad reset time = 02:23
2. current local time = 23:01
3. current server time = 02:01

23:01 - 02:01 = 21:00 (time difference)

Example 2:

1. ad reset time = 14:38
2. current local time = 05:00
3. current server time = 23:00

05:00 - 23:00 = -18:00 + 24:00 = 6:00 (time difference)

From the answers now you can choose bewteen two options and pick the one most convenient to click on your daily (orange color fixed ads):

These are the two options to click in your local time:

Option 1:
click between (ad reset time) ~ (time difference minus 1 minute)
Option 2:
click between (time difference) ~ (your ad reset time minus 1 minute)
From example 1:
option 1 = 02:23 ~ 20:59
option 2 = 21:00 ~ 02:22

From example 2:
option 1 = 14:38 ~ 05:59
option 2 = 06:00 ~ 14:37

The most common mistake is members usually clicks just before ad reset time and then again right after ad reset time.

The easiest way to clicking according to server time is to pick ONLY one of the options (to click your daily orange fixed ads) and don't mix them.

All other types of ads/exposures (micro, mini, std, ext) you can click at anytime.

AdPrize expires at Ad Reset time, it's a good idea not to click just before ad reset time.

 How to switch from one option to the other and still get credited from your referral clicks
(# of daily ad clicks) x (# of referrals) = # of clicks received.

-Click only half of your daily ads in option 1
-Click the other half of your daily ads in option 2

After the above process you can click all your daily ads now in option 1 or vice versa.

An example for a standard member with 20 rented referrals:
(09:00 is between option 1 &
18:00 is between option 2)

4 clicks @ 09:00 Monday
4 clicks @ 09:00 Tuesday
2 clicks @ 09:00 Wednesday
2 clicks @ 18:00 Wednesday 
4 clicks @ 18:00 Thursday 
4 clicks @ 18:00 Friday 
2 clicks @ 18:00 Saturday 
2 clicks @ 09:00 Sunday 
and repeat...

you will get up to (2x20) or 40 clicks on Wed, Sat, Sun and unlimited clicks on Mon, Tue, Thur, & Fri. and Wednesday is the only day you will have to click twice in a day but only 2 clicks each.

Also read here for more explanation on clicking according to server time

How to synchronize your computer clock:

(for your convenience the server time has already been converted to your local time p.s. Maybe needed to adjust for DST)
Australia local time - New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania:
(your ad reset time) ~ 14:59 or 15:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

(your ad reset time) ~ 13:59 or 14:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

Northern Territory
(your ad reset time) ~ 13:29 or 13:30 ~ (your ad reset time)

Western Australia
(your ad reset time) ~ 11:59 or 12:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

Indonesian local time:
11, 12, & 13
(your ad reset time) ~ 10:59 or 11:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

Philippines, Malaysia local times:
(your ad reset time) ~ 12:59 or 13:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

Bangladesh local time:
(your ad reset time) ~ 10:59 or 11:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

India, Sri Lanka local time:
(your ad reset time) ~ 10:29 or 10:30 ~ (your ad reset time)

Pakistan local time:
(your ad reset time) ~ 9:59 or 10:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

Bahrain, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Jordan,
Romania, Turkey local times:
(your ad reset time) ~ 6:59 or 7:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic,
Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway,
Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Span, Sweden
local times:
(your ad reset time) ~ 5:59 or 6:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

United Kingdom, Portugal local times:
(your ad reset time) ~ 4:59 or 5:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

Brazil local time:
(your ad reset time) ~ 0:59 or 1:00 ~ (your ad reset time)

USA local times:
(your ad reset time) ~ 23:59 or 24:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Eastern
(your ad reset time) ~ 22:59 or 23:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Central
(your ad reset time) ~ 21:59 or 22:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Mountain
(your ad reset time) ~ 20:59 or 21:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Pacific


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