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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Secrets of Make 40 dollars a day with NeoBux

Make 40 dollars a day with NeoBux

To start this article off, I want to tell you exactly what NeoBux is if you don't know already.

NeoBux is a PTC (paid to click) website in which you view company ads for a certain amount of seconds and you get paid, simple as that. Usually if the site is legit, they will pay $0.01 (1 cent) per ad and $0.005 (half of a cent) per ad your referral views. I know that doesn't sound like much but really it adds up pretty quickly. You will see shortly.

This isn't a get rich concept that everyone is looking for, but I will tell you this, it helps pay the bills. The only catch is you won't be making $40 + right off the bat. In fact, this is actually tough starting out. And if you are those kinds of people that want money right away, then you might as well leave now. I'm not saying it will take that long either, I would say about one month at the most. I have known lots of people that reached their goals in about a week or two. The name of the game is called patience. There will be no investing in the project what so ever. If you have money to invest, then by all means invest it. You will reach your goal faster than you can imagine. I will show you the free way because I think that’s what most people want to hear.

The key to making more money than others on NeoBux is simply to gain referrals. It is very simple, if you don't have referrals then you won't make much money. The cool thing about NeoBux is that you can rent referrals, which is the same concept as real referrals. Each referral cost $0.30 (30 cents) a month to renew them. Some will be active and some won't be active, it's all random. Another cool concept is that you can recycle them for a new referral for $0.08 (8 cents) if they are not active. It's very simple. If you don't recycle your referrals when they become inactive, then you will be sure to make no profit.

Your main goal is to get at least $3.00 (3 dollars) from clicking your own ads or getting direct referrals. You don't want to rent referrals too early because you won't have enough money to renew them. You have two balances on your account. You have your "Main Balance" which is where all your money goes too when clicking ads and also when your referrals click ads. And then you have your "Rental Balance" which is what you pay with for renewing and recycling your rented referrals.

Autopay is another feature which is a must. As soon as you rent your three referrals for $0.75 (75 cents) you need to turn autopay on. Referrals cost $0.30 (30 cents) a month to keep. So basically what this does is subtract one of the advertisements your referral views each day and puts it towards the $0.30 (30 cents) that referral needs to stick around for another month. Now you get one less penny per referral but they stick around for another month to earn you more!

Cashing out too early is a huge problem for people when using this method. NeoBux is proven to pay from its 100,000+ cash outs so there is no worry about not getting your money. People are too eager to take out that $20.00 (20 dollar) check. It is very smart to not cash out until you hit 1000+ rented or direct referrals. This way, you know that if you have 1000 active referrals and they are clicking at least 4 ads a day, then your making $20.00 (20 dollars) a day. NeoBux ranges from displaying 4-6 ads a day.

Once you get to 1000 rented referrals, all you have to do is maintain the ones you have. Stop buying more referrals for now. It should only take about 4-6 days to make $100.000 (100 dollars). All you need is $90.00 (90 dollars) to upgrade to a Gold Member. It cost $90.00 (90 dollars) a year to keep Gold Membership. But you shouldn't be worried because it takes you five days to do this. What gold membership does is increases your referral clicks to $0.01 so then you will be finally be making $40.00 + a day.

Keep repeating this process until you reach as many referrals as you want. A good strategy that I use is simply to take half of what you earn and put it away. The other half, spend on more referrals and add more money to the rental balance.

There you go the secret is yours now. You won't regret trying this secret. I will admit the beginning is slow. But once the cash starts flowing in, it is like a miracle. You simply don't know what to do with it.

Join NeoBux Now!



  1. I really loved your article and want to give it a try thanks

  2. dear sir,

    ihave hold 575 refferals. but there avrage are only 3 or 3.75 $ per day. plz tell me how can i incerase this avrage.

  3. The top facts about Clixsense Get-Paid-To-Click Program:
    1. Up to $0.02 per click.
    2. 5 secs lowest timer.
    3. Restart every 24 hours.
