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Thursday, 26 July 2012

PTC Paying in Neobux site For Beginners

PTC means “Pay to click” or, you get paid to click on sites. Imagine you have an internet business with a website ( And now what to do for people see your online business? There, is where the ptc paying sites enter, that are mostly advertising companies that in turn pay for these users to enter the sites advertised, usually pay pennies for each visit. Today, PTC paying sites is one of the best ways to make money online.
How it works?


1 – Sign in the PTC site (Neobux). Enter Username, Password, confirm your password, Email Address, Confirm Email Address, Alertpay/Paypal E-mail Address For Payments, your Country.
2 – Go to the area where are the links, must call “ads”, “show ads, “”Click ads” or something.
3 – You have a daily amount of links, click in one, and it will open with a countdown, wait it finish and then will show some kind of symbol already saying that you can close the window, can be a “V” in green , a “$”, the word “CLOSE” or anything else.

Video :How to earning 20$ per day in NEOBUX

4 – As the countdown to end click on another link in the list and open a new window with the countdown. Each time you do this the money will be deposited into your account on the site. Note: You can not click a link more than once per day on the second attempt will get the message that it has already been clicked, or after the countdown the red X will appear.
What is a referral?
Referrals are peole who work for you. For example you can get nebux referrals to click on ads for you win an amount that they win. You refer people to join to the PTC site using you referral link, this is for you earn a percentage of what your referrals earn, so you can profit a lot quicker, for example if a site gives you 100% of referrals, it means that one your referral profit in one day, you will gain an equivalent amount, or if your referral earn $ 0.10 per day, you will get $ 0.10 per day. You can refer how many people you want.

How can I get referrals?
Search in the site your referral link “Your referral link” or something like “Referral Link” Your link will look like:
Can I create multiple accounts on the same PTC?
No! They have a system that detects whether you’re all creating multiple accounts specified by you! And can not create another account on the same PC as well, even if the other account is not his statement.
What is cashout / payout?

Cashout and Payout is when you reach the minimum amount to be able to borrow money to send, for example if the cashout / payout is a site for $ 10, you need to reach at least $ 10 so I can withdraw the money.
What is SCAM?
Scams are false PTCs, they do not pay you, like those who say they pay a fortune per click, new sites that have many clicks per day are also great candidates for the scam.
How do I receive money from PTC sites?
All PTC sites, when you sign up, will ask the mail from your account at Virtual Bank, which can either Paypal or Alertpay, so they can make the payment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you think you are earning from PTC sites. Think again. I have written an article about Neobux. Where you can find out that you actually loosing money instead of earning.
    Please check out my blog and lets discuss if we really make money out of PTCs or not.


    Make your amazing Banners.

  4. A good online money making.
    Yes it is.!

  5. good site for ad clickers and advertisers

  6. Do you like speaking?

    Or to speak English?

    How would you like to speak and get paid well for talking?

  7. You can earn $20 for a 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So large companies pay millions of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.

  8. best site to earn by ptc

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